Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture (NDPC) invites practitioners from the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCs) AND professionals from other sectors to apply for the #NDPCbootcamp for Cross-Innovation.
The bootcamp will take place from 31 May to 4 June 2023 in Līgatne, Latvia.
Who can apply?
The #NDPCbootcamp is open to practitioners from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, and Sweden. For more information about the bootcamp and application process, please visit the NDPC's website.
How to apply?
Interested applicants must fill in the application form by 12 March. Although previous experience in creative cross-innovation is not required, clearly articulated interest and motivation will be highly appreciated.
The NDPC will provide accommodation, meals, coaching, content and the equipment required for the Bootcamp. The selected participants will need to cover their own travel costs to Riga and back. Potential applicants with financial constraints can apply for a travel grant (4 grants available, more info in the application form).
About the bootcamp
The #NDPCbootcamp for Cross-Innovation provides a unique opportunity for participants to explore unfamiliar sectors, gain valuable insights, and generate new ideas for projects, formats, products, services, and processes. The bootcamp aims to promote cross-field networking between creative professionals and other professionals, recognizing the mindset and tools required for successful cross-innovation.
The bootcamp will feature expert lectures and workshops, group exercises, and peer learning, facilitated by Tuomas Tirkkonen from Tupu Creative (Finland), with contributions from experts such as Louisa Steinwärder and Raffaela Seitz from the Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft Innovation Hub (Germany), Angelo Vermeulen (a space systems researcher, biologist, and community artist from Belgium). This bootcamp will be an unforgettable learning experience that will leave you feeling inspired and equipped with the mindset you need to start your cross-innovation journey.
What do we mean by creative cross-innovations?
Creative cross-innovations in terms of creative cross-overs are a cross-disciplinary process, where professionals from the arts,culture, and creative fields (CCSs) share and exchange information, working methods, skills, competency and creative approaches with other sectors and traditional sectors to collaborate in new ways with professionals from other fields.The aim of this type of cross-sector collaboration is to tap into the potential of creative know-how, to promote new thinking,explore new ways of doing, boost product – process – and business model innovation, creative co-creation and novel types of cross-innovations within society, e.g. in the fields of research & technology, health and wellbeing, business and industry, urban development, pedagogy, sustainability, peace and security, etc.
Information: Elina Meiere, elina@ndpculture.org, +371 29855947